星期三, 9月 28, 2011

解決Windows Live Messenger 無法登入, 錯誤碼81000306

Possible fixes:
  1. Check Internet connection
    Link status, proxy setting, firewall, etc.
  2. Flush DNS
    cmd# ipconfig /flushdns
  3. Disable "Auto Tuning Networking"
    cmd# netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
    cmd# netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
  4. If you are using proxy...
    Somehow msn read proxy setting from WinHTTP, which is not in sync with your system(IE) proxy. You can import IE proxy setting to WinHTTP by
    cmd# netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie
    Reset WinHTTP setting:
    cmd# netsh winhttp reset proxy
 Method #1, #2, #3 doesn't work for me. Finally #4 fix my problem.